How do I Change the Time Interval of a Chart on OEC Trader?

1. Navigate to the Charts & Quotes tab located at the top of the platform window.

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2. Select the New Chart… option

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3. Manually enter the Contract Title in the search box or left click the magnifying glass option to search through available contracts.

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4. Once the user has selected a contract left click the OK button.

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Now that a chart is open, traders can specify the time interval they wish to display for their chart

Time intervals can be displayed in tick, 1 minute, 2 minute, 5 minute, 15 minute, 20 minute, 1 hour, 4 hours, daily, and much more time intervals. Users can also create a custom time interval.

5. To change the time interval of a chart simply left click the Time Interval dropdown box and specify the interval of your choice.

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In our example below we have selected a Daily time interval.

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