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How I open A Chart on the Multicharts.net platform?
1. Navigate to the toolbar that runs along the top of the platform window. Left click the Create New Chart Window which is circled below.
![MC.Net Chart Image 1](https://support.optimusfutures.com/hubfs/MC.Net%20Chart%20Image%201.png)
Once the Create New Chart Window has been selected and opened:
2. Users will need to specify the Data Source they wish to gather data from.
3. The Instrument or contract they wish to trade.
4. Once all of the following has been applied left click the OK button.
![MC.Net Charts Image 2](https://support.optimusfutures.com/hubfs/MC.Net%20Charts%20Image%202.png)
After the user selects OK, a chart with the corresponding symbol will open.
![MC.Net Charts Image 3](https://support.optimusfutures.com/hubfs/MC.Net%20Charts%20Image%203.png)