There are two ways users of Firetip can monitor there account balance.
The first method is through the Account Detail button.
1. Users can access Account Details by navigating to the top of the platform window and left clicking the Account Detail button along the platform toolbar.
2. Once opened, users have the option of filtering by account if they have multiple, by positions, and by positions type. All account positions are displayed on the lower portion of the window if any are held on the filtered account.
An entire layout of account balances, net liquidation values, margin balances and excess/deficit are displayed for the user.
The second suggested method is through the Account Statements window. The Account Statements Window provides traders with an entire daily breakdown of their account. This includes opening cash balance, commissions & fees, trade equity, platform fees, and much more.
1. To access your Account Statements Window navigate to the top of the platform and left click the Statements button.
2. From here users can filter by the account they wish to display as well as the specific day they would like to receive a statement for. Once selected, an entire breakdown of the account will be displayed in the window below.